zondag 28 maart 2010


Here's my character thumbs. Some pretty cool ones in there between the sucky ones.
Enviro's to come!

And Bob had a great idea.. about making a moodboard...Doesnt take that much time so if we each could make one it for next week it would be cool. Most of our time we''ll be spending in Paris.. so we can get some cool character and props sketches done then!


woensdag 24 maart 2010

doing lloyds assignment

yeh im workin on the thumbs n shit, also still in the process of experimenting with methods and styles, gotta keep getting outta your confortzone yo! might even do something with ..

mother @#%^ lineart next O.o !

couple a hours pscs4

hit me with your crit!

vrijdag 19 maart 2010

Lloyd: Lets get crackin

Lets get drawing guys..
Dus we hebben bepaald dat we een action game willen gaan maken(art dan).Waarmee je met een held speelt. En zijn verhaal volgt... die dude met zn robot maat dus. In de stijl van Devil may cry en metal gear solid, and bad ass guys like Army of two.

Om de bal een beetje aan t rollen te krijgen wil ik jullie vragen om aankomend week wat te doen.
Als volgt:
10 Thumbs van een Samurai / Warrior / Hero dude.. MET zijn robot maat
20 Thumbs van random fun characters that pop into your head!
(not to be hating Daniel.. on your design :p .. just want to get some cool character designs out )
5 or more Enviroment Thumbs
Throw those idea's out.. and onto the paper ( or photoshop :P )
Where is our hero going to go, who is he going to meet in the game.
Who's he gonna kill.

woensdag 17 maart 2010

idea dump

Ik dacht ik update een ideetje.
als door gaan met het idee van reincarnation dingen misschien is er wel een soort "power" die daar over beslist. een soort van last judgement day. en misschien zijn ze bad-ass, juist heel spiritueel of misbruiken ze hun machten in hun voordeel dat er een groep mensen onder lijdt en is er een groep mensen die in het verzet zit.

zondag 7 maart 2010


So.. i was just sitting on the toilet taking a dump, like when i get most good idea's.
I was thinking of spirits and reincarrnation... and what it would be like if it really existed.
And then I got thinking, what would happen if you were a real bad person in life, and you punishment wouldnt be hell beneath the earths crust... but hell on earth.

Lets say you got reincarnated as a tree.. and you lived for a really long time, wouldnt that be like gettin sent to prison? And depending on how bad you were would deside what kind of tree you became in your next life.

Then the next idea hit me...

Daniels Samurai had a background of peoples spirits getting put into machines.
This could maybe add to that..
Lets say in this new age theyve found a way to put spirits into machines, but we could have some real bad guy that was reincarnated as a tree 500 years ago... and now something has happend to the tree and it died. And now he's been reincarnated as a human again.

zaterdag 6 maart 2010

mijn inspiratie game


sorry dat ik telaat was, gister na skateboarden op me toetsebord in slaap gevallen :(

donderdag 4 maart 2010

So i was thinking...

We could go for an action adventure game..like Devil May Cry.
Melee and ranged combat, fighting alot of different types of monsters and bosses.
Traveling through a great world and storyline, taking the player on a journey to save someone or everyone(the world).

And an idea I got while looking into this was, that we could do something with the mercanaries and scrapyard we were working on, and take them(or 1) though this world.

Like a kid grown up in the scrapyard, that makes his own huge metal club to fight with.. and some guns. And as he goes on through the world he finds different things to use as weapons.
Maybe give the player items that he can find through out the world that he can use to make his own weapons with. (One man's junk is another man's Weapon!) Making the lead character like some sort of handy man, thats really good at making stuff.
Army Of Two,
2 vrienden, die zichzelf een weg door oorlog, politieke rompslomp en samenzwering schieten.
samen door dik en dun.

qua designs zouden wij nog veel verder kunnen gaan maar ik vind de helmen wel heel gaaf. soort van lashelmen/skulls





gamecharacters hebben ook een leven.
So this is blog ...
where is all about how..
we made our ISA..
into something sick..
so just take a minute
and sit right there
And we'll show you how we gonna get over there.