zondag 7 maart 2010


So.. i was just sitting on the toilet taking a dump, like when i get most good idea's.
I was thinking of spirits and reincarrnation... and what it would be like if it really existed.
And then I got thinking, what would happen if you were a real bad person in life, and you punishment wouldnt be hell beneath the earths crust... but hell on earth.

Lets say you got reincarnated as a tree.. and you lived for a really long time, wouldnt that be like gettin sent to prison? And depending on how bad you were would deside what kind of tree you became in your next life.

Then the next idea hit me...

Daniels Samurai had a background of peoples spirits getting put into machines.
This could maybe add to that..
Lets say in this new age theyve found a way to put spirits into machines, but we could have some real bad guy that was reincarnated as a tree 500 years ago... and now something has happend to the tree and it died. And now he's been reincarnated as a human again.

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